The collage chronicles….
Tis a new year! Ive got a new studio office, Stoffice! Lovely projects lined up, lovely projects being published and i’ve made some new creative pals. Things for 2025 are feeling creatively, pretty darn good.
Getting out of the house to go to a place of work has been a game changer. Ive met some lovely people, i get to watch all sorts of dogs frolicking while i create and i feel much more part of a little community.
New stoffice!
Bird Lore by Sally Coulthard along with some of the original snips featured in the book
I’ve got a lovely book coming out with Sally Coulthard in April. Birdlore. Its beautifully written, designed and illustrated. I can’t wait to get a hard copy in my hands soon. Here’s a link to preorder if you fancy it. I might try and get some signed copies in my shop to, so make sure to sign up to my newsletter (bottom of this page) and secure first dibs if you’re interested.
Cheers all. xx